Maia Well Being Blog

Well being from the inside out... for those who don't want to be relying on external inputs for living well.


Maia Movement your unique, complete and natural breath

Emotional Flow in a Perfect World

July 06, 20245 min read

"Emotions posture us" Juli May

Emotions, or energy in motion needs neutral muscles to work safely with. Intuitively emotional flow will activate muscles to pull our bones into a certain alignment, readying us for the situation at hand, adjusting our center of gravity for the correct propulsion (strength and speed) to get us through this experience.

emotional intelligence

If we imagine for a moment that all our aspects and systems are dynamically integrated and freely flowing, we can imagine this as our neutral state.

In neutral, all our being is available to be called upon as our nervous system flows between energies. Our nervous system is acting on information gathered by our innate intelligence, which is able to consider all variables, our internal state, the external environment and what is coming in our future.

This is intuition and our survival instinct, and the messages come as physical actions postured by our emotions. These postures are what we can physically feel, if we are paying attention, if we are in neutral.

With a little compassion, remember; allowing your emotions free reign does not lead to untoward behaviour, it actually stops the rebellious and desperate actions that explode from restricted emotional flow caused by subconscious muscle tension. So in a perfect world the following is relevant.

Let us start with the enjoyable. The delicious survival-of-our-species aspect of being alive.

Women, when we recognise a man suitable for breeding (survival of our species), our body will soften and blossom. We enjoy a subtle lift of our chest, a firming of our breast tissues, this forward swelling is balanced and grounded by a lengthening of the lower back. As our lower back sinks earthward it releases the back of our neck. As the neck lengthens, space is made for our eyes to sink a little deeper, drawing this beautiful being in. When our back lengthens, softening, sinking to the earth, we feel a greater undulation of the spine as it rides the wave of our increased breath, the pulse of which has responded to this situation, increasing circulation to the base of the spine. Our legs will be hip width apart, and the pelvis will be rocking a little more atop the thigh bones. Our petals will be softly pulsing, gently opening and closing, ready for the hummingbird to seek our nectar.

Now to write for another…

Men, on seeing a blossoming woman, a proudness fills your ribs, pushing your shoulders out so they drop heavily toward earth, balanced and enhanced in their movement by your soft full back riding the wave of your breath. As your spine undulates, pumped by the deeper speed of a breath ensuring full circulation of blood and nervous system energy into the pelvis. As your belly softens and swells forward, you become a place of comfort for when your arms pull someone close. Together you match a natural rhythm in the freedom of your pelvis rocking atop your thigh bones. This rhythm will be nourished by your soft, full, pulsing belly, your undulating spine, and as the speed and need increases this ensures strong circulation to balloon into the base of the pelvis, swelling effortlessly, you are ready.

For todays world… our innate intelligence is always considering all variables, which means the culture and time we live in will impact how we experience the above, whether action is taken. And if action is not going to be taken, the full circulation means this energy will be absorbed back into the full body, effortlessly, with no lingering or desperate requirement to fulfil a need... also I am clearly not a romance writer...

The above would be a balanced, physically stable persons experience, and with physical stability comes mental-emotional-spiritual stability.

We do not need to act from this state, it may not be appropriate to do so for all sorts of reasons, but to feel how you are posturing is what allows you to stay present. Judgement free observation of yourself, means you do not lose yourself to any situation, and no on can control you.

Judgement free observation also informs your nervous system that the energy shift is no longer needed, which means the posture will be released, and your circulation will return to full and complete.

In this way you have honoured yourself, you have honoured the people who are involved with you, and you are acting from a vibration of self respect and love.

This is how our body should be moved by any emotions, postured to affect change in the circulation, to fuel the organ systems that are required to get through this moment.

If the energy is not required, our perception is not matching our reality, all we need to do is observe our breath, without judgement, and this is enough for the posture to be released, and the emotion will move on to the next.

If you want to learn more, sign up to the Maia Movement email sequence, and you will get a weekly email that gets into an area or aspect of your body, how it should work, and the things we do that interrupt it. Each email is turning your attention to your physical being and is empowered by the statements.

It all comes back to you.

The body never lies.  

The Emotional Flow & Posture email is the 4th in the sequence and they are delivered weekly.

Or, start exploring your physical being in one of the online courses, here.

If you are wanting to explore more of yourself sign up for the Maia Movement Email Sequence and get the Supported Rest Position delivered to your inbox, this will take you through setting yourself up to release your back line and take the pressure off your kidneys & adrenals, as well as get the juices flowing back to your digestive organs.

The weekly email will guide you through remembering how you function, and makes it a bit easier by focusing in on one area of the body, or...

check out the Maia Movement Online Courses

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John doe

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John doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

John doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

What do I wear for Maia Movement?

Soft clothes that you can move in, no underwire bra, no tight elastic, nothing firm... you will be lying on the floor and going through some large joint rotations, so soft pants are goo.

Can you help with anxiety?

Yes! Maia Bodywork gives you some time where your nervous system is soothed, and tensions released, taking the pressure off, almost like giving you a break... and if you want long term results, Maia Movement guides you to release your own tension, in motion, in any situation, so that you are not living with anxiety, but able to listen and understand the feeling of anxiety as it comes up (which is should).

What style of massage is Maia Bodywork?

I started Kahuna training in 2008, which led to Kahuna Bodywork training. Maia Bodywork is flowing massage that works with your limits, bringing them to awareness whilst nurturing a feeling of safety, this allows you release long held tensions, opening up for a deep massage as you are ready.

The physical limits are linked to emotional-mental-spiritual limits activated by past experiences, to release tensions, physically aligning will soften emotional memories, open your mind and cleanse your spirit.

What am I learning in Maia Movement?

You are learning how you function. First through reconnecting to what you can feel, you accept this unconditionally (true self love). From here you remember how to be your own safe space, stop comparing and start living your true potential. You release the energies of the past, and come back from the endless seeking of something better that has you living in the future.

You become effortless strength, balanced energy and your complete and natural breath rhythm.

You heal well, your organ systems all return to functioning well, emotions become smoother, less triggers, intuition becomes thoughtless, you move at the correct speed, and in the best direction for your highest good... your boundaries are unshakeable.

Can Maia Movement help with specific health conditions?

Yes, my health story includes autoimmune, thyroid that is hereditary, as well as heart conditions, reproductive health, ovarian cysts, adhesions, digestive health, circulation problems, erratic emotions, anxiety, exhaustion, tingling hands and feet, EMF sensitivity, light sensitivity, people sensitivity... general instability, UTI's, kidney issues, adrenal fatigue, anaemia... all of these issues are no longer active in me

I did not change my diet, I do not take any supplements or medications (natural or pharmaceutical), I have no restrictions... because what happens when that options is no longer available?

I do still get treatments & take herbal therapies when I get a little stuck, but these times are now years apart, and with the internal intelligence you awaken with Maia Movement, these choices are to teach me more about myself, allowing me to go deeper, releasing the current layer.

How often do I need to do Maia Movement?

In the beginning, every day for 20 minutes, but once you understand how you function, and you are making refinements upright, in motion, you are in a place where you are not draining your energy, or causing inflammation or degradation.

Each movement becomes an energy pump, as you live in dynamic integration with earth force and gravity, everything you do becomes nourishing.

Contact Us

0406 569 446

43 Mudlo Road, Kilkivan QLD 4600