Maia Movement is you learning how you can do this for yourself, and how you can refine how your move so that Maia Bodywork is a joy, not a necessity.
An intuitive session designed around you, releasing old limiting habits, being present and knowing that your next move will be building on the perfection of being Uniquely you in this moment.
Where we will be led by what you need will be felt in the beginning of your session which will be conscious expansion with Maia Movement. As you release your limiting habits in preparation for your treatment.
We will be guided more honestly to select therapies ranging from the rhythmical touch in Maia Bodywork, including vibrational healing touch and aromatherapy, and uplifted with conscious exploration directed by selecting a Sacred Spray.
We may in-joy moments of silence, talking and emotional expressions that are linked to our physical and energetic adventures.
Maia, the goddess of spring empowers you to remember your own perfection
Releasing tensions allows blocked energy to flow back into circulation, returning organs to functioning optimally, creating emotional stability and flow, and offering up some space in your mind.
Your Maia Goddess of Spring time may be a table treatment, or time spent on the safety of the floor.
Maia Movement guides you to remember the perfection that is your physical body, and how making refinements within how you move and how your breath moves you will effect refinements in your energetic aspects.
Open your mind by creating physical spaciousness.
Balance your emotions by releasing muscle tension, allowing flow.
Cleanse your spirit as the pulse of your breath rhythmically squeezes and releases every cell in your body, undulates every joint and ensure full, clean fluid circulation.
Guided by the grounding God and Goddess energies, this combination session will have you feeling spacious, relaxed, and looking refreshed after a nourishing 2.5 hours.
Your full body massage with facial will deepen the awareness and space created during the 30 minute Maia Movement time that begins your treatment.
Maia, the goddess of spring will empower you to remember your own perfection by releasing some of the tensions that have been held close and are no longer serving you.
These tensions will release energy back into circulation, return organs to functioning optimally, create emotional stability and flow, and offer up some space in your mind.
Earth Goddess Bodywork is a table treatment, rhythmically soothing you into even deeper release, before letting you melt and absorb the nourishing facial therapy.
Maia Movement guides you to remember the perfection that is your physical body, and how making refinements within how you move and how your breath moves you will effect refinements in your energetic aspects.
Open your mind by creating physical spaciousness.
Balance your emotions by releasing muscle tension, allowing flow.
Cleanse your spirit as the pulse of your breath rhythmically squeezes and releases every cell in your body, undulates every joint and ensure full, clean fluid circulation.
Maia Movement guides you to remember the perfection that is your physical body, and how making refinements within how you move allows your nervous system to refine how your breath moves you, and these releases will effect the flow of your energetic aspects.
Regardless of what you are thinking, by creating physical spaciousness and internal safety, you create space in your mind.
Emotionally your energies will flow, posturing and propelling your for your highest good, and with the expanded availability from released muscle tension, your intuition will be clearer and more sensitive.
Cleaning your physical circulation, clarifies your spirit, as your light is able to shine from within you.
Organs and organ systems are fresh and functioning as the pulse of your breath rhythmically squeezes and releases every cell in your body, and feedback mechanisms are delivering messages and the corresponding response efficiently.
Bones are given back their job as your core strength, and joints have the pressure taken off them to allow freedom and optimal circulation for bone and joint health.
Once you have felt how powerful you are, as you make this space within, your boundaries are empowered and you are your safe space, which means you know you are able to face the deep tensions and energies that the Maia Bodywork will bring up for you.
Maia Bodywork has evolved from Kahuna bodywork, where we are taught to work to the depth of your limits, and in this moment you are introduced to subconscious limits and habits that are offering you a protection, that may be no longer serving you.
If you feel safe enough to release this tension, you will and the bodywork will go deeper.
Remembering you are your safe space in Maia Movement is going to give you the experience of releasing these old patterns, which is important because the memories associated with these tensions will come up.
Softening the tissues also softens the memory associated with the tension, and gives you space to feel yourself rising up into your subconscious response, and in this new space you are able to feel what you are doing, and have the time and space to choose something more appropriate to who you are now.
You can choose from a massage on the table with oil, or, the floor bodywork wearing soft flexible clothes.
The bodywork will begin on a deeper level because you released tension during the Maia Movement.
When you are your own safe space, you stand grounded, secure and open because your boundaries are clearer and pulsed from within by your breath, which is universal energy.
Self awareness session to become familiar with the roll your nervous system plays in your well being, how it is linked to your physical which is linked to your mental, emotional and spiritual capacity.
Maia Movement guidance to refine your daily activities. These sessions work with you and your environment to expand what you learn on the floor into your specific upright actions. When you are able to refine your daily movements, the change is so powerful, and eventually your nervous system will be making the refinements and you will only need to get on the floor in dedicated Maia Movement time when you are injured, or you have happily overdone (which we all do).
Maia Movement is you learning how you can do this for yourself, and how you can refine how your move so that Maia Bodywork is a joy, not a necessity.
An intuitive session designed around you, releasing old limiting habits, being present and knowing that your next move will be building on the perfection of being Uniquely you in this moment.
Where we will be led by what you need will be felt in the beginning of your session which will be conscious expansion with Maia Movement. As you release your limiting habits in preparation for your treatment.
We will be guided more honestly to select therapies ranging from the rhythmical touch in Maia Bodywork, including vibrational healing touch and aromatherapy, and uplifted with conscious exploration directed by selecting a Sacred Spray.
We may in-joy moments of silence, talking and emotional expressions that are linked to our physical and energetic adventures.
Maia, the goddess of spring empowers you to remember your own perfection
Releasing tensions allows blocked energy to flow back into circulation, returning organs to functioning optimally, creating emotional stability and flow, and offering up some space in your mind.
Your Maia Goddess of Spring time may be a table treatment, or time spent on the safety of the floor.
Maia Movement guides you to remember the perfection that is your physical body, and how making refinements within how you move and how your breath moves you will effect refinements in your energetic aspects.
Open your mind by creating physical spaciousness.
Balance your emotions by releasing muscle tension, allowing flow.
Cleanse your spirit as the pulse of your breath rhythmically squeezes and releases every cell in your body, undulates every joint and ensure full, clean fluid circulation.
Guided by the grounding God and Goddess energies, this combination session will have you feeling spacious, relaxed, and looking refreshed after a nourishing 2.5 hours.
Your full body massage with facial will deepen the awareness and space created during the 30 minute Maia Movement time that begins your treatment.
Maia, the goddess of spring will empower you to remember your own perfection by releasing some of the tensions that have been held close and are no longer serving you.
These tensions will release energy back into circulation, return organs to functioning optimally, create emotional stability and flow, and offer up some space in your mind.
Earth Goddess Bodywork is a table treatment, rhythmically soothing you into even deeper release, before letting you melt and absorb the nourishing facial therapy.
Maia Movement guides you to remember the perfection that is your physical body, and how making refinements within how you move and how your breath moves you will effect refinements in your energetic aspects.
Open your mind by creating physical spaciousness.
Balance your emotions by releasing muscle tension, allowing flow.
Cleanse your spirit as the pulse of your breath rhythmically squeezes and releases every cell in your body, undulates every joint and ensure full, clean fluid circulation.
Maia Movement guides you to remember the perfection that is your physical body, and how making refinements within how you move allows your nervous system to refine how your breath moves you, and these releases will effect the flow of your energetic aspects.
Regardless of what you are thinking, by creating physical spaciousness and internal safety, you create space in your mind.
Emotionally your energies will flow, posturing and propelling your for your highest good, and with the expanded availability from released muscle tension, your intuition will be clearer and more sensitive.
Cleaning your physical circulation, clarifies your spirit, as your light is able to shine from within you.
Organs and organ systems are fresh and functioning as the pulse of your breath rhythmically squeezes and releases every cell in your body, and feedback mechanisms are delivering messages and the corresponding response efficiently.
Bones are given back their job as your core strength, and joints have the pressure taken off them to allow freedom and optimal circulation for bone and joint health.
Once you have felt how powerful you are, as you make this space within, your boundaries are empowered and you are your safe space, which means you know you are able to face the deep tensions and energies that the Maia Bodywork will bring up for you.
Maia Bodywork has evolved from Kahuna bodywork, where we are taught to work to the depth of your limits, and in this moment you are introduced to subconscious limits and habits that are offering you a protection, that may be no longer serving you.
If you feel safe enough to release this tension, you will and the bodywork will go deeper.
Remembering you are your safe space in Maia Movement is going to give you the experience of releasing these old patterns, which is important because the memories associated with these tensions will come up.
Softening the tissues also softens the memory associated with the tension, and gives you space to feel yourself rising up into your subconscious response, and in this new space you are able to feel what you are doing, and have the time and space to choose something more appropriate to who you are now.
You can choose from a massage on the table with oil, or, the floor bodywork wearing soft flexible clothes.
The bodywork will begin on a deeper level because you released tension during the Maia Movement.
When you are your own safe space, you stand grounded, secure and open because your boundaries are clearer and pulsed from within by your breath, which is universal energy.
Self awareness session to become familiar with the roll your nervous system plays in your well being, how it is linked to your physical which is linked to your mental, emotional and spiritual capacity.
Maia Movement guidance to refine your daily activities. These sessions work with you and your environment to expand what you learn on the floor into your specific upright actions. When you are able to refine your daily movements, the change is so powerful, and eventually your nervous system will be making the refinements and you will only need to get on the floor in dedicated Maia Movement time when you are injured, or you have happily overdone (which we all do).
Answers To Frequently Asked Questions
Soft clothes that you can move in, no underwire bra, no tight elastic, nothing firm... you will be lying on the floor and going through some large joint rotations, so soft pants are goo.
Yes! Maia Bodywork gives you some time where your nervous system is soothed, and tensions released, taking the pressure off, almost like giving you a break... and if you want long term results, Maia Movement guides you to release your own tension, in motion, in any situation, so that you are not living with anxiety, but able to listen and understand the feeling of anxiety as it comes up (which is should).
I started Kahuna training in 2008, which led to Kahuna Bodywork training. Maia Bodywork is flowing massage that works with your limits, bringing them to awareness whilst nurturing a feeling of safety, this allows you release long held tensions, opening up for a deep massage as you are ready.
The physical limits are linked to emotional-mental-spiritual limits activated by past experiences, to release tensions, physically aligning will soften emotional memories, open your mind and cleanse your spirit.
You are learning how you function. First through reconnecting to what you can feel, you accept this unconditionally (true self love). From here you remember how to be your own safe space, stop comparing and start living your true potential. You release the energies of the past, and come back from the endless seeking of something better that has you living in the future.
You become effortless strength, balanced energy and your complete and natural breath rhythm.
You heal well, your organ systems all return to functioning well, emotions become smoother, less triggers, intuition becomes thoughtless, you move at the correct speed, and in the best direction for your highest good... your boundaries are unshakeable.
Yes, my health story includes autoimmune, thyroid that is hereditary, as well as heart conditions, reproductive health, ovarian cysts, adhesions, digestive health, circulation problems, erratic emotions, anxiety, exhaustion, tingling hands and feet, EMF sensitivity, light sensitivity, people sensitivity... general instability, UTI's, kidney issues, adrenal fatigue, anaemia... all of these issues are no longer active in me
I did not change my diet, I do not take any supplements or medications (natural or pharmaceutical), I have no restrictions... because what happens when that options is no longer available?
I do still get treatments & take herbal therapies when I get a little stuck, but these times are now years apart, and with the internal intelligence you awaken with Maia Movement, these choices are to teach me more about myself, allowing me to go deeper, releasing the current layer.
In the beginning, every day for 20 minutes, but once you understand how you function, and you are making refinements upright, in motion, you are in a place where you are not draining your energy, or causing inflammation or degradation.
Each movement becomes an energy pump, as you live in dynamic integration with earth force and gravity, everything you do becomes nourishing.
0406 569 446
43 Mudlo Road, Kilkivan QLD 4600