Maia Well Being Blog

Well being from the inside out... for those who don't want to be relying on external inputs for living well.


The prickly pink thistle flowers against blue sky

Why are you annoyed at what I say?

March 24, 20247 min read

“STIFFNESS You are rigid and inflexible in whichever area it is in. You have a resistance to change.” - Annette Noontil, The Body is the Barometer of the Soul.

Are you irritated by much that is outside of you?

Do you ever think someone is talking to much, they should have done it differently? Or perhaps you hear yourself respond to new information with 'you don't know what you don't know'. Do you need to create the perfect external situation, with only the perfect people?

Stiffness is subonscious muscle tension in the body, which reduces our response-ability, making us sensitive to the energies of that which is outside our own skin.

Maia Movement is about you remembering you are your greatest expert.

However, we have created habitual stiffness as we have all been taught we need to rely on external experts to manage our life experience, and this requires doing what we are told, which through repetition makes habits... which are stored in subconscious muscle tension, which is stiff... ooohhh

So when someone asks you, 'What happens if you can't do/buy that thing you do/buy that is making you better/stronger/stretchier or able to cope?" and this makes you pull back and get annoyed, or shut them down by saying 'well we each just have to find that thing that will work for me'.

Whilst the massage treatment I offer you can be relaxing, and make you feel good, I am not a bandaid… I do not want to be responsible for how you feel… feeling good and feeling bad because of something outside of you - are just different ends of the same scale.

The scale is BLAME... or giving your power away.

I did not dress for such a professional chit chat... but here I am... in a long video.

Stiffness is subconscious muscle tension.

“I can only make you feel what you are capable of feeling”... Isabelle.

EYE ROLL... this was always the response from my first great massage therapist love, and anytime I told her she made me feel better, she would say that to me… it took many years to find the understanding that she didn’t want to be responsible for how I felt.

If a therapist can release your subconscious muscle tension, so can you.

“It all comes back to you”... Kahuna Abraham Kawai'i.

Next evolution EYE ROLL... this statement replaced Isabelle's when I started Kahuna training, I think Isabelle & I may have enjoyed the same teachings.

It is frustrating... because we have chosen to believe we don't know how to take care of ourselves, and that we are too complicated to understand without many years of study, and a certificate.

If you are irritated...

by what I say, by me talking about this innate knowing we all have, and that we have all chosen to override with the inferior intellectual intelligence the population adheres to… that is because it is hitting a block within you, and generally that block has been created by following intellectual intelligence, being a good person and doing it regardless of how it feels, because an expert has said so… you have been doing everything right… yet you are still falling apart, either through doing to ensure you don't, or by actually falling apart.

In all fairness... What I say is irritating...

because I am not meeting your learned requirements.

I am asking that you simply tune into what you can feel, asking you to feel yourself. This irritates us all, because we are schooled in a way that is insidious to our culture, and that creates a habitual situation of numbness and disconnection.

These habits within us limit the space in our mind, and we need 'stuff' to be presented in a certain way or we don't recognise it. We can now see this in Yoga, Kahuna Training, Shaman’s… they are all presented in the box of mainstream education… so that people recognise it.

I see this as perpetuating the state of our well being, which generally isn't that good.

If there is any sort of health issue, past or present, that you have taken steps to fix, medically, operations, herbs, practices, homeopathy, diet, treatments… or continue to do things to make sure it doesn’t happen again… have you sorted the issue out?

Ask yourself… What happens if you stop doing these things you do to make yourself healthy, or to avoid getting sick?

What will happen to you if you stop?

We are taught to fight aging, and plan for aging at the same time, so we are planning in full fear mode, as we exert energy into making sure that doesn’t happen, or... we just move forward accepting what is coming to us… someone else will fix it, it is what happens.

Identity is a big part of this, the feeling of belonging, which is now entwined with identities of lack, disease, issues... we are losing our innate intelligence, our personal power and our uniqueness to these labels.

Maia Movement is the space between accepting and fighting

Here your effortless strength, balanced energy and complete and natural breath exists.

Your immunity is strong, and it is your boundaries, nothing can make you sick, drain your energy or make you feel better and give you a high... you are universal intelligence, perfection in balanced motion... everything and nothing in presence.

Your unique identity is expressed in your Breath

How our breath moves us is ours, when we choose to follow instruction to control our breath, or to protect our health by inhibiting our breath (masks), we have compromised our essence and our immune system, the base line of our existence here on earth.

I can only guide you to learn to feel what you are doing

When your internal environment is in a state of safety, your nervous system can start to release the habits that are compromising your organ system function, and limiting your breath, and limiting the space in your mind, as well as inhibiting emotional flow, and clogging up spiritual clarity.

The habits are what feel irritated when you feel the vibration of truth regarding your innate intelligence and you being your own greatest expert. Habits are subconscious muscle tension, where energy and memory is stored, locked up sometime in your past and irritation is this issue being brought to your attention, and you not wanting to face yourself.

Subconscious muscle tension is created by and energises your mental, spiritual, emotional aspects.

You are hearing a truth, feeling a vibration, that makes you realise you have been educated and chosen to believe you are doing the right thing, which just happens to be integrated with your problems.

Does it matter… NO.

The way you learn to feel what you are doing, is also how you release what you are doing!!!

This is vibrational, universal energy, which intellectual intelligence has limited understanding of, unless it is about controlling, or manipulating it, and control is going against the natural flow of universal energy.

At any point on our adventure we call life we can start to be responsible for how we are experiencing being, if we want to do that.

We must let go of blaming anything outside of ourselves... anything.

We must claim that power back into our being.

Turning toward yourself is freedom.

Letting go of controls that limit your breath… frees you up to the flow of universal energy.

The more effort we put into being something, the more effort we need to put into maintaining it... exhausting.

We need physical safety, which exists when we stop undermining our innate intelligence and nervous system by doing things to improve ourselves.

The energy of doing to improve, confirms we are not enough in the present moment.

We need unconditional acceptance of what we have created in this way, to allow ourselves to see our subconscious habits that are restricting our breath and requiring us to busy our mind continuously.

No more strengthening or stretching, no more breathing into or counting repetitions, or following time…

Just be you.

Your unique, complete and natural breath, effortless strength, balanced energy... as I say a lot in Maia Movement.

Are you serious about being your own greatest expert?

Here are some options.

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Effortless Strength, Balanced Energy, Your Complete & Natural Breath

Health & harmony in motion.

Maia Bodywork Treatments

Therapeutic massage to nourish nervous system flow and deepen your breath to bring balance to all physical organ systems and energetic aspects.

All treatments are intuitive, choose what calls you

the blissfully relaxing Earth Goddess Facial, or the deeply opening Floor Bodywork. or see what the day offers up with the Maia Goddess of Spring time.

Maia Movement Classes

Guiding you to an understanding of how to nourish your own nervous system, be effortlessly strong with balanced energy and pulsed by your own Unique, complete and natural breath.

In person, small group classes in Kilkivan, or private sessions in Kilkivan or Gympie. Or get online course access or setup a zoom session

Tallow Skin Care

Food for you skin that is natural enough to eat.

I source ingredients locally, infusing seasonal aromatics & herbs with nourishing, happy, grass fed tallow.

Try a tester pack, or subscribe to receive a fresh monthly delivery.


John doe

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John doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

John doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

What do I wear for Maia Movement?

Soft clothes that you can move in, no underwire bra, no tight elastic, nothing firm... you will be lying on the floor and going through some large joint rotations, so soft pants are goo.

Can you help with anxiety?

Yes! Maia Bodywork gives you some time where your nervous system is soothed, and tensions released, taking the pressure off, almost like giving you a break... and if you want long term results, Maia Movement guides you to release your own tension, in motion, in any situation, so that you are not living with anxiety, but able to listen and understand the feeling of anxiety as it comes up (which is should).

What style of massage is Maia Bodywork?

I started Kahuna training in 2008, which led to Kahuna Bodywork training. Maia Bodywork is flowing massage that works with your limits, bringing them to awareness whilst nurturing a feeling of safety, this allows you release long held tensions, opening up for a deep massage as you are ready.

The physical limits are linked to emotional-mental-spiritual limits activated by past experiences, to release tensions, physically aligning will soften emotional memories, open your mind and cleanse your spirit.

What am I learning in Maia Movement?

You are learning how you function. First through reconnecting to what you can feel, you accept this unconditionally (true self love). From here you remember how to be your own safe space, stop comparing and start living your true potential. You release the energies of the past, and come back from the endless seeking of something better that has you living in the future.

You become effortless strength, balanced energy and your complete and natural breath rhythm.

You heal well, your organ systems all return to functioning well, emotions become smoother, less triggers, intuition becomes thoughtless, you move at the correct speed, and in the best direction for your highest good... your boundaries are unshakeable.

Can Maia Movement help with specific health conditions?

Yes, my health story includes autoimmune, thyroid that is hereditary, as well as heart conditions, reproductive health, ovarian cysts, adhesions, digestive health, circulation problems, erratic emotions, anxiety, exhaustion, tingling hands and feet, EMF sensitivity, light sensitivity, people sensitivity... general instability, UTI's, kidney issues, adrenal fatigue, anaemia... all of these issues are no longer active in me

I did not change my diet, I do not take any supplements or medications (natural or pharmaceutical), I have no restrictions... because what happens when that options is no longer available?

I do still get treatments & take herbal therapies when I get a little stuck, but these times are now years apart, and with the internal intelligence you awaken with Maia Movement, these choices are to teach me more about myself, allowing me to go deeper, releasing the current layer.

How often do I need to do Maia Movement?

In the beginning, every day for 20 minutes, but once you understand how you function, and you are making refinements upright, in motion, you are in a place where you are not draining your energy, or causing inflammation or degradation.

Each movement becomes an energy pump, as you live in dynamic integration with earth force and gravity, everything you do becomes nourishing.

Contact Us

0406 569 446

43 Mudlo Road, Kilkivan QLD 4600