Life Cultured Tallow Balm

My Love for Tallow

September 22, 20244 min read
Life Cultured's Juli, standing in a pink bottle brush

Hi! I’m Juli… and this is how I ended up loving Tallow.

I started rendering tallow in 2022, whilst I was living on a biodynamic farm, and we were home butchering my wildly beautiful, chemical free, grass fed and finished Nguni X cattle.

I love cows, so I had to make my peace with this, as the herd was small, and I knew them all, and they were gorgeous, and did I say I love cows.

But, we live in the world we live in, and I knew that they would not all be staying… so I got wild myself, remembering that without fences and feral animal control, predators would roam through sporadically feeding themselves and their pack, taking the beast that was ready to go, as would the human hunters.

grass fed cattle sunset munduberra life cultured tallow balm

This looks like the perfect place to sit and watch the sunset.

What I really appreciated was being there when they were transitioned, and each time I honoured them with a tear, I felt the loss, the end of life and I appreciated the intimacy of being able to get my meat in this way, and my standards for meat are now incredibly high.

The butcher we used was semi-retired, and was a delight to be around, like a zen master of butchering. He shared some great experiences of his time in the industry, from delightful farms like mine, to abattoirs and feedlots. It was yucky to hear the evidence of what grain feeding and the state of living causes in the organs of beautiful beasts, which is our food chain, so let us focus on the beauty I had access to, highlight it, and be part of growing that energy.

Grass Fed and Grass Finished beef means it has only eaten what is growing from the earth, and for me, that meant low stock numbers for the area, and lots of variety, with a what wants to grow there does.

grass fed cattle munduberra life cultured tallow balm

I grew up on a dairy farm, and we didn't get to see the Mumma's with their bubs.

I thought I had lost a calf one day, because when they stay with the mum, they get fed and parked somewhere safe, so Mum can go feed.

The fat is full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and this means you are nourishing yourself from the outside in, since you skin absorbs everything you apply to it.

By choosing skin care products you can eat, you are removing a large amount of health diminishing chemicals from your daily routine, which immediately improves your wellbeing, on all levels.

If we get all macro conscious, you are supporting a healthy, natural farming culture.

What do I view health diminishing, and how can you figure it out?

It is really simple.

Processed, and the more processed a product, the more health diminishing it is. But, at this point, I think we can look at how much electricity or petrol style fuel is required, and how many processed products are required?

Tallow, can be made over a fire. So, on my butchering days, I could have collected the fat, put it in a container with water, and rendered it over a fire, giving me tallow.

One smooth production line that requires no electricity or petrol to create a product that has a very long shelf life, that is edible.

But, on butchering days, I didn’t have a fire burning, this is simply the awareness that keeps my integrity, by asking the question “How do I get this without electricity or petrol?”

Luxury is having electricity and petrol, so appreciating what this brings us, keeping our awareness, means we have a better chance of surviving without it. Luxury in my neighbourhood is expected and not being complacent in this is how I stay grounded.

So, for now, I have access to grass fed and grass finished, happy beef fat, that is taken through the regulated channels, in the most intimate way possible for the system.

The farmer is happy, the cattle live really well, and their transition is calm and intimate.

I use the luxury of electricity and petrol to gather the ingredients and create these products, in the most minimal way. As time goes on I feel like I will peel back the ingredients and processes that are fully reliant on the luxury we live with, if I can.

But, as you will see if you follow Maia Movement, you know that I think where we are putting our skincare/food is more important to each of us that what we are using/eating.

When we feel what we are subconsciously doing that is our uncomfortable response to what we are using/eating, then we can release the subconscious doing, the discomfort will ease, and we will naturally reach for something more suitable/nourishing to meet our present moment needs.

Skin care requirements will change as you release subconscious doing, because your circulation to the skin is greatly improved, as is your gut health.

Check out Maia Movement if you want more of you, and less of the magic products, pills and superfoods from the other side of the world.

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